Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Distance Runners

Group 1: Distance Runners

Adam - Posture: Good, it stays upright the entire time. Arms: Adam actually does a really good job of taking his arms through the optimal range of motion. Short in Front, Big in Back. Legs: At toe off (when foot comes off the ground, Adam bends the knee a little bit before the thigh comes forward, this indicates a little bit of a backward push. I would tell him to focus on more of an Up and Down Motion with the legs rather than a forward and backward on. I would consider this excellent form though.

Chandler -
P: Good
A: Good
L: Loos like he keeps his foot on the ground a little long, which causes him to push late and like adam he has a problem with the knee bending before the thigh is brought forward

Chelsie -
P: Good
A: Good - Maybe a little limited but that is ok with a distance runner, she is getting the core rotation we need
L: Very good Ankle stays at 90 degrees, she brings the thigh forward immediately after it leaves the ground and if you watch she moves up and down while running. That undulation means she is being very reactive.

Danielle -
P: Good
A: Left Arm is limited, Right arm as a larger range of motion
L: Similar Problem with Adam and Chandler knee bends before coming forward we want to pull that thing right off the ground and move forward.

P: Good except that head may move up a little keep it in a neutral allignment
A: Good
L: Sinks a little too much in the support phase, try to lift that free hip when running.

Lucas -
L: Similar to Chandler, he puts the foot down softly and then waits and pushes late, we want more of a downward strike not a backward one.

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