Monday, February 15, 2010

A tale of 2 Jumpers

So this last Friday Live Oak track alum Mark Cedeno (class of 08) and former jumps coach, jumped at SJCC and I went and filmed it, even though he is wearing the orange and blue of west valley I thought I could break it down and the post it here. I plugged my Rock Band Microphone into the Computer and just started talking (and sometimes breathing right into the mike haha) Mark does alot right in this and I try to point out a couple of things he can improve so as a whole I think it is a good explanation of long jump mechanics.

The other video I posted was of Lauren in her first ever high school meet (back when I was the jumps coach), she wasn't as fast and her form wasn't nearly as good as it is today but back then she did naturally the 2 things that Mark still needs to work on. (to be fair to Mark it is easier to do those things at slower speeds) I just think it is helpful to see the things that I am trying to explain in Marks vid. Anyways here they are... (you might need to make them larger and in 720p to see the details ) (EDIT: I just watched these again, I might be a little harsh on Laurens Running form, haha. This was supposed to be a compliment to her. Also I should mention her penultimate doesn't roll over and she doesn't really lower, so her jump mechanics weren't perfect she just does a good job of swinging the foot low and getting some negative foot speed, which were the 2 things mark didn't do.)


Lauren LJ

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