Monday, March 16, 2009

500 Break down

Well we had out first 500 BD, some records that were set:

Jacob set the sophmore 500, 400 and overall record.

Greg set the senior 300 record

Erika set the junior record in the 400 and 300 as well as the second fastest time ever.


  1. wow.. impressive.. you guys are fast.

    are the records online updated?

  2. yeah I updated it

  3. Pauline jeez you're a beast. Erika is just a little off, hmm maybe she'll get it?
    Did you tell them the story about the time I went to the emergency room coach?

  4. I did warn them that the last time we did a 500 BD it ended with someone in the hospital. This time we made 6 gallons of gatorade for the team
