Well, so ends our regular season.
With the post season beginning next week are are within reach of our goal of 200 PRs. We had a great day today (32 PRs) including some big ones by Lexie and Mason. Again we started up our taper last week and those fresh legs are coming to the surface and along with it PRs.
I posted the results and you can see the long list of PRs on the front page of the website. www.liveoakcaf.com
Have a good night. - Coach Mike
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
1600 Photos
The website sportswurlz.com was at our meet against santa teresa, if you register (just need an email) you can check out the photos. http://www.sportswurlz.com/
I know I already posted the girls 4*100 from the Santa Teresa Meet, but one thing you guys might not have seen:
Santa Teresa was running in lane 4 and there were a bunch of hurdles set up in lane 5. Well on the last turn the anchor and the third leg went a little too far, If you listen closely you can hear a scream and then the sound of hurdles crashing.
Also, due to some discipline issues and then an injury we were down to just 1 person on our 4*100, fortunantly Eric, Leach and Jacob stepped up and did a great job. Jacob didn't know he was going to run until 10 minutes before the race. We figured James would have to win it for us since we had 3 runners from our b team and he ended up getting the baton with a nice lead. I feel this is another "quit or run with one shoe" example. Here is the video:
Santa Teresa was running in lane 4 and there were a bunch of hurdles set up in lane 5. Well on the last turn the anchor and the third leg went a little too far, If you listen closely you can hear a scream and then the sound of hurdles crashing.
Also, due to some discipline issues and then an injury we were down to just 1 person on our 4*100, fortunantly Eric, Leach and Jacob stepped up and did a great job. Jacob didn't know he was going to run until 10 minutes before the race. We figured James would have to win it for us since we had 3 runners from our b team and he ended up getting the baton with a nice lead. I feel this is another "quit or run with one shoe" example. Here is the video:
Mentally Tough
Imagine you are on the 4 by 4 team and your teammate steps on your heel and knocks your shoe off. You have 2 choices 1) stop because how can you run with out a track shoe or 2) just run anyway. This actually happened yesterday at the Penn Relays. Monica Hargrove came into the exchange area and gave natasha Hastings a 'flat tire'. It took off her shoe, they were battling for first against Jamaica and the USA "B" team. She ran a 51.0 split which put them in a tie for the lead, which was all Alison Felix and Sanya Richards needed to win. She ended up with a pretty big blister but stayed mentally tough.
I was trying to picture each of our athletes in that situation and I actually imagine that most of you would just run too. Yesterday we were at a horrible meet and had plenty of excuses if things didn't go right. Our last three people to compete, the ones who had been there the longest and had to do the most waiting were Jacob, Lauren and Nikki. Jacob got 3rd in the 200 (.04 off his PR) Lauren got 3rd in the LJ (1 inch off her PR) and Nikki got 3rd in the Discus (4 feet off her best). Good stuff.
I was trying to picture each of our athletes in that situation and I actually imagine that most of you would just run too. Yesterday we were at a horrible meet and had plenty of excuses if things didn't go right. Our last three people to compete, the ones who had been there the longest and had to do the most waiting were Jacob, Lauren and Nikki. Jacob got 3rd in the 200 (.04 off his PR) Lauren got 3rd in the LJ (1 inch off her PR) and Nikki got 3rd in the Discus (4 feet off her best). Good stuff.

The Good , The Bad and The Ugly
Well lets just say we won't be going to the alisal invite again anytime soon. Here is what went down.
The Good:
Nikki Starting out the day with a PR in the SP (25-8.5)
Kenny With a PR in the LJ 17’11”
Lauren with the best jumps I have seen from her. All in the 15s, Finished 3nd Overall (15-9.5)
Jacob getting 2nd in the 400(53.9) and 3rd in the 200(27.31), very close to PRs
Jordan Hasay showing up in a helicopter (for stories sake, haha)
Liz with a PR in the 100 running for Erika (16.25)
Catherine came within .07 seconds of her PR in the 100
Jacob hooking us up with some Super Taq
Lauren’s Mom, Jacob’s Mom, Nikki’s Dad. Those 3 parents put in over 24 hours of sitting at a track meet, that is dedication.
Whoever ran the shot put at the beginning of the meet, only well run thing I saw.
The Bad:
Power outage that delayed the meet (I will put it in the ‘bad’ category because I assume this wasn’t their fault)
It being freezing the entire meet, windy and cold.
Used a metal tape measurer, no seriously, of course it had kinks in it and didn’t straighten out all the way. I guess that was good for performances. It also didn’t wind back up they had to roll it up.
Discus ring in the middle of the field, yet still allowing parents and athletes on the field. Leading to at least one person being hit by the discus and many near hits. (At least they made hundreds of announcements.
Randomly switching the FS girls and Varsity Girls discus, meaning Nikki had to wait from 10am (end of her shot put, until 6pm)
The Ugly:
The Boys Discus taking over 6 hours, how in the world does that happen?
I dislocated my thumb trying to pop the EZ-Up into place. (Can you really call it an EZ-Up when it has the ability to pop joints out of place)
The Ez-UP almost blowing away, causing us to have to put it away mid-day, which lead to….
A bird dropping a deuce on my leg (AWESOME!)
Using athletes as meet officials, they knew nothing about the rules:
o Randomly skipped Lauren so some people had finished their jumps before she had even got a second jump and then to fix the problem they made her take her jumps back to back.
o Would call clear scratches fair, but at the same time….
o Didn’t know what board jumpers were jumping from, causing fair marks to be called scratches
Running some heats with only 2 people, they ran a 2nd FS girls heat of the 4*100 with just ONE TEAM, I would maybe understand if the first heat was full, but it had empty lanes too.
Erika said she would go but had to leave at 2, so we signed up the 4*100, I told her ‘it is the first final of the day no way it starts after 2.’ Start time (2:15). I left the meet at 6:30pm and it still wasn’t over.
Courtney’s only event was the 4*100… so that was a nice trip
Finding out Lauren is a stalker who looks under bathroom stalls. (Actually her and Jacobs stalking of Jordan Hasay was pretty entertaining, especially after a long day)
The 30 Minute Lunch break that they changed to 10 in order to catch back up that ended up being over an hour.
Here are the Results:
As you can see the performances are coming on we are starting to hit that taper.
The Good:
Nikki Starting out the day with a PR in the SP (25-8.5)
Kenny With a PR in the LJ 17’11”
Lauren with the best jumps I have seen from her. All in the 15s, Finished 3nd Overall (15-9.5)
Jacob getting 2nd in the 400(53.9) and 3rd in the 200(27.31), very close to PRs
Jordan Hasay showing up in a helicopter (for stories sake, haha)
Liz with a PR in the 100 running for Erika (16.25)
Catherine came within .07 seconds of her PR in the 100
Jacob hooking us up with some Super Taq
Lauren’s Mom, Jacob’s Mom, Nikki’s Dad. Those 3 parents put in over 24 hours of sitting at a track meet, that is dedication.
Whoever ran the shot put at the beginning of the meet, only well run thing I saw.
The Bad:
Power outage that delayed the meet (I will put it in the ‘bad’ category because I assume this wasn’t their fault)
It being freezing the entire meet, windy and cold.
Used a metal tape measurer, no seriously, of course it had kinks in it and didn’t straighten out all the way. I guess that was good for performances. It also didn’t wind back up they had to roll it up.
Discus ring in the middle of the field, yet still allowing parents and athletes on the field. Leading to at least one person being hit by the discus and many near hits. (At least they made hundreds of announcements.
Randomly switching the FS girls and Varsity Girls discus, meaning Nikki had to wait from 10am (end of her shot put, until 6pm)
The Ugly:
The Boys Discus taking over 6 hours, how in the world does that happen?
I dislocated my thumb trying to pop the EZ-Up into place. (Can you really call it an EZ-Up when it has the ability to pop joints out of place)
The Ez-UP almost blowing away, causing us to have to put it away mid-day, which lead to….
A bird dropping a deuce on my leg (AWESOME!)
Using athletes as meet officials, they knew nothing about the rules:
o Randomly skipped Lauren so some people had finished their jumps before she had even got a second jump and then to fix the problem they made her take her jumps back to back.
o Would call clear scratches fair, but at the same time….
o Didn’t know what board jumpers were jumping from, causing fair marks to be called scratches
Running some heats with only 2 people, they ran a 2nd FS girls heat of the 4*100 with just ONE TEAM, I would maybe understand if the first heat was full, but it had empty lanes too.
Erika said she would go but had to leave at 2, so we signed up the 4*100, I told her ‘it is the first final of the day no way it starts after 2.’ Start time (2:15). I left the meet at 6:30pm and it still wasn’t over.
Courtney’s only event was the 4*100… so that was a nice trip
Finding out Lauren is a stalker who looks under bathroom stalls. (Actually her and Jacobs stalking of Jordan Hasay was pretty entertaining, especially after a long day)
The 30 Minute Lunch break that they changed to 10 in order to catch back up that ended up being over an hour.
Here are the Results:
As you can see the performances are coming on we are starting to hit that taper.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Girls Fastest 4*100 of the year
Here was the race from Thursday. The handoffs are looking better, Court is still running up on Catherine a little but not as much. We didn't get to run at Alisal thanks to a horribly bad meet (More details to come)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Santa Teresa Dual Meet
Great job you guys, some really good performances. We had 19 total PRs and a school record. Give me sometime to post the PRs, I am watching the Sharks game (not going well down 2-0 right now heading in to the 3rd period)
Lets keep it going at Alisal, then for some of you your last meet is in one week from today.
Lets keep it going at Alisal, then for some of you your last meet is in one week from today.
Alisal Invite
Tomorrow we are heading up to Santa Teresa High School for our penultimate track meet. This weekend we aree heading to the Alisal invite here are the entries:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Our New Set of Plyos
Believe it or not this is a legitimate workout program, apparently the laughing is a great core workout. See there was a reason I let Sarah tell jokes during 8 min abs.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Justin - Looked up the rules
shot put:
boys - 12lbs
girls - 8.81 lbs (4kg)
Janet - You didn't get TB right? Haven't heard from you in a while and I know there was a scare in Berkeley.
shot put:
boys - 12lbs
girls - 8.81 lbs (4kg)
Janet - You didn't get TB right? Haven't heard from you in a while and I know there was a scare in Berkeley.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Here we go
We are getting close to the most exciting time of year. April 30th is the last guarenteed meet for anyone. At this point it is too late to do anything. Those of you that came out in January, worked hard throughout the year, came to pracrice during spring break, winter break you get to reep the benefits of of that hard work. We are moving into the taper of our track season. Been asked alot about what is a taper. Here is my best description.
Performance = Fitness - Fatigue
Your performance depends on two things, how fit you are and how tired you are. If my fitness level allows me to run a 60 second 400. Well right after running a 400 I am still in good enough shape to run a 60 but I am too tired. On the other hand if I am only in good enough shape to run a 65 second 400. It doesn't matter how rested you are you won't go faster.
During the year we are just trying to improve our fitness level, however, to get into good shape we have to work hard, which also increases our fatigue level. As we get in better shape we need to work harder to keep improving. So our performance dosen't make big improvements, it goes up a little throughout the year because of improvements in technique, experience etc...
At the end of the year we go into a taper. Basically if we stop working out our fatigue will go down but so will our fitness level, which means our performance won't improve. However if we reduce the volume of work we do and just keep the intensity high we won't get in better shape but our fitness won't decrease as much and our fatigue will decrease, which means performance increases.
In sports like football, basketball, baseball etc.. how you do in the regular season dictates your postseason. However, in track we can go 0-7 in dual meets and we still get just as much entries into the final meet. So we train right through those meets, work hard, sacrifice our record in dual meets because it is irrelevant.
So those of you that worked hard, getting some rest will reveal how high of a fitness level you attained, those of you who didn't getting some rest won't change much. Thats why there is nothing you can really do now. Here is my little drawing, if you are a visual learner. You can see as fitness goes up so does fatigue so the red line (performance) doesn't change much. Then once we start the taper (vertical line) fitness actually goes down, we get in worse shape but performance goes up because we drop fatigue faster.

Well we are at the vertical line, time to see who worked hard and who didn't.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Well it is all over. Turned out it was really fun. Close battle in the end, me and Mark and then James and Jeff. James may have broke the 4000 point barrier if either of his first two throws in the javelin would have touched tip first.
Big Thanks to Justin for helping out, as well as Lauren who was the starter, measurer and Marks HJ coach, haha.
Afterward the team showed up and we ran to In-n-out, which was a nice treat. Extra bonus to me and James who did this workout after our decathlon while Mark and Jeff drove over. THey earned it though. See you all tomorrow, big technique day.
- Coach Mike
Big Thanks to Justin for helping out, as well as Lauren who was the starter, measurer and Marks HJ coach, haha.
Afterward the team showed up and we ran to In-n-out, which was a nice treat. Extra bonus to me and James who did this workout after our decathlon while Mark and Jeff drove over. THey earned it though. See you all tomorrow, big technique day.
- Coach Mike
Alisal Invite
The alisal invite is next Saturday April 25th, but the entries are due this week. If you are off on vacation, remember to let me know if you can make it or not. This is our last invite of the year. - Coach Mike
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Well Day one is over and all I can say is taht was tiring. Now I know why decathletes are considered the worlds greatest athletes. We are only half way through and I am beat.
We ended up doing the 100, LJ, SP, WT, 400
Here are the results
Right now Mark leads in a very very very close race.
3025 Mark
3022 Mike
2474 James
2446 Jeff
Tomorrow is the 110h, JT, HJ, DT, and 1500. I need some sleep.
Just a reminder bring some cash tomorrow, we will be going to In-n-out after our workout.
We ended up doing the 100, LJ, SP, WT, 400
Here are the results
Right now Mark leads in a very very very close race.
3025 Mark
3022 Mike
2474 James
2446 Jeff
Tomorrow is the 110h, JT, HJ, DT, and 1500. I need some sleep.
Just a reminder bring some cash tomorrow, we will be going to In-n-out after our workout.
Decathlon - Pole vault
Well this time it is on for real and we got two more competitors. Me, Mark, Jeff and James will be doing the decathlon the next 2 days.
Day 1: 100, LJ, SP,HJ, 400
Day 2: 110h, DT, JT, 1500
I only get to compete once or twice a year and get to watch you guys compete all the time so I am psyched. I know Mark is too. Update coming later tonight.
- Coach Mike
Day 1: 100, LJ, SP,HJ, 400
Day 2: 110h, DT, JT, 1500
I only get to compete once or twice a year and get to watch you guys compete all the time so I am psyched. I know Mark is too. Update coming later tonight.
- Coach Mike
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Top Performances this year
Hey all -
I have a 300 page scoring table that the IAAF uses for its rankings. It is a way to compare a 100 runner to a shot putter, a 4*100 team to a Triple jumper. I figure I would use it to calculate what our best performances are this year. I have everyones point total so if you want to know what yours is, just ask me and I will let you know. As you can see if we did an overall table the girls would dominate a little.
Top Performance 2008 - Pauline 400 - 910 points
Top Performance 2007 - Courtney 200 - 908 points
2009 List
1. Pauline Olsen - 400m - 888 pts
2. Pauline Olsen - 200m - 855 pts
3. Erika Rodriguez - 200m - 853 pts
4. Rodriguez-Robinson-Sparling-Drewniany -4*100m - 832 pts
5. Courtney Robinson - 100m - 818 pts
6. Erika Rodriguez - 100m - 812 pts
7. Courtney Robinson - 200m - 803 pts
8. Courtney Robinson - 400mR - 795 pts
9. Erika Rodriguez - 400mR - 769 pts
10. Catherine Sparling - 100m - 748 pts
11. Lauren Drewniany - 200m - 747 pts
12. Armstrong-Sparling-Robinson-Olsen - 4*400m - 745 pts
13. Lauren Drewniany - LJ - 738 pts
14. Stephanie Armstrong - HJ - 732 pts
15. Lauren Drewniany - 100m - 716 pts
16. Stephanie Armstrong - 300mh - 713 pts
17. Catherine Sparling - 200m - 712 pts
18. Pauline Olsen - 800m - 711 pts
19. Catherine Sparling - 400m - 690 pts
20. Olivia Duran - 3200m - 667 pts
Top Performance 2008 - Muhn - Cedeno - Van Aken - Hamblin - 778 pts
Top Performance 2007 - Juillard - 400 - 813 pts
2009 List
1. Roberts - White - Van Aken - Hamblin - 4*100m - 779 pts
2. Greg White - LJ - 754 pts
3. Jacob Montoya - 400m - 730 pts
4. Greg White - 200m - 722 pts
5. Billy Van Aken - 100m - 703 pts
6. Taylor Alonzo - 100m - 675 pts
7. Jeff Roberts - LJ - 674 pts
8. Jacob Montoya - 200m - 660 pts
9. Billy Van Aken - 200m - 649 pts
10. James Hamblin - 100m - 645 pts
11. Greg White - TJ - 645 pts
12. Taylor Alonzo - 200m - 628 pts
13. Dominic Leach - 300mh - 623 pts
14. Taylor Alonzo - LJ - 623 pts
15. James Hamblin - 200m - 617 pts
16. Mason Lammers - SP - 602 pts
17. Dominic Leach - HJ - 599 pts
18. Keane Vaziry - 400m - 597 pts
19. Jeff Roberts - 100m - 595 pts
20. Jeff Roberts - 200m - 593 pts
I have a 300 page scoring table that the IAAF uses for its rankings. It is a way to compare a 100 runner to a shot putter, a 4*100 team to a Triple jumper. I figure I would use it to calculate what our best performances are this year. I have everyones point total so if you want to know what yours is, just ask me and I will let you know. As you can see if we did an overall table the girls would dominate a little.
Top Performance 2008 - Pauline 400 - 910 points
Top Performance 2007 - Courtney 200 - 908 points
2009 List
1. Pauline Olsen - 400m - 888 pts
2. Pauline Olsen - 200m - 855 pts
3. Erika Rodriguez - 200m - 853 pts
4. Rodriguez-Robinson-Sparling-Drewniany -4*100m - 832 pts
5. Courtney Robinson - 100m - 818 pts
6. Erika Rodriguez - 100m - 812 pts
7. Courtney Robinson - 200m - 803 pts
8. Courtney Robinson - 400mR - 795 pts
9. Erika Rodriguez - 400mR - 769 pts
10. Catherine Sparling - 100m - 748 pts
11. Lauren Drewniany - 200m - 747 pts
12. Armstrong-Sparling-Robinson-Olsen - 4*400m - 745 pts
13. Lauren Drewniany - LJ - 738 pts
14. Stephanie Armstrong - HJ - 732 pts
15. Lauren Drewniany - 100m - 716 pts
16. Stephanie Armstrong - 300mh - 713 pts
17. Catherine Sparling - 200m - 712 pts
18. Pauline Olsen - 800m - 711 pts
19. Catherine Sparling - 400m - 690 pts
20. Olivia Duran - 3200m - 667 pts
Top Performance 2008 - Muhn - Cedeno - Van Aken - Hamblin - 778 pts
Top Performance 2007 - Juillard - 400 - 813 pts
2009 List
1. Roberts - White - Van Aken - Hamblin - 4*100m - 779 pts
2. Greg White - LJ - 754 pts
3. Jacob Montoya - 400m - 730 pts
4. Greg White - 200m - 722 pts
5. Billy Van Aken - 100m - 703 pts
6. Taylor Alonzo - 100m - 675 pts
7. Jeff Roberts - LJ - 674 pts
8. Jacob Montoya - 200m - 660 pts
9. Billy Van Aken - 200m - 649 pts
10. James Hamblin - 100m - 645 pts
11. Greg White - TJ - 645 pts
12. Taylor Alonzo - 200m - 628 pts
13. Dominic Leach - 300mh - 623 pts
14. Taylor Alonzo - LJ - 623 pts
15. James Hamblin - 200m - 617 pts
16. Mason Lammers - SP - 602 pts
17. Dominic Leach - HJ - 599 pts
18. Keane Vaziry - 400m - 597 pts
19. Jeff Roberts - 100m - 595 pts
20. Jeff Roberts - 200m - 593 pts
7909 Decathlon
This was a high school student at Arcadia on Friday (ridiculous, check it out)
By the way yesterday was great, got in some good work. Erika and Courtney were complaining that 135 was too light in the squat. Good stuff.
By the way yesterday was great, got in some good work. Erika and Courtney were complaining that 135 was too light in the squat. Good stuff.
Monday, April 13, 2009
One more thing
Right now the only difference between the claremont teams I was on and the Live Oak team is our practice habits. At Claremont we knew the only way to improve was to work hard at practice. You can win without practice, you can't improve without practice.
Our attendence rates at practice tells me that we still don't understand that. I don't expect new people to understand that but our returners haven't done a good job of setting an example of what is expected. Next year we will tighten up the reins until the point is made and then we will leave it to the returners to do what this years team failed to do.
Our attendence rates at practice tells me that we still don't understand that. I don't expect new people to understand that but our returners haven't done a good job of setting an example of what is expected. Next year we will tighten up the reins until the point is made and then we will leave it to the returners to do what this years team failed to do.
Claremont Love
Track Rankings came out this week and Claremont is ranked first in the mens and 3rd for the women. My 4 years there all we did was win, they are on to something like 17 straight conference titles. This is division three, it is the only division that cannot give out athletic scholarships. Which means the program/sytem philosophy is extremely important. In division 1 or 2 if you need a thrower you just recruit one.
When I went to Live Oak we would win 2 or 3 meets a year just like the team this year and years past. We would pin point some meets we thought we could win and then throw everything we could at the team. I remember having to run the 300 hurdles at some meets just to try and score some more points. We spent a good amount of time talking about winning and losing meets.
Then I went to Claremont, we never talked about winning or losing; only PRs. It didn't matter if you got first or last it was did you improve? Well in my 4 years we won 4 conference titles.
Then I came back to Live Oak. We had Medal Monday and that was it, people who won medals would get recognized. Distance runners would triple jump in dual meets for points. it was the same old story. Nobody knew anyones PR and we are still winning a couple meets a year. I tried to make PRs a big deal but scoring points and getting medals was reinforced. I only worked with the sprinters and jumpers and those were the ones who learned to appreciate PRs, and if you notice they are the alums that visit after they have graduated, they are the ones who do track all four years and they are the ones that set an example for the rest of the team . If you notice the team is made up of many sprinters (25) and few distance (5) and throwers(4).
Now that I am in charge of the program, I can run the full team the way I like. It may take a while but my goal is for the distance crew and throwing crew to grow as well. I know this program will work, it will take sometime. We have a coaching staff who are former athletes and understand what our goals are and I am really happy with them, they have been awesome.
Anyways I just wanted to show you that this program does work, in fact it is the only type of program that I have experienced that has been successful. I still have a long ways to go to be the coach I want to be, (need to find the balance between being trusting and being taken advantage of, Fridays and spring break are a painful reminder) Just like the theme of the day I am trying to improve.
Track Rankings came out this week and Claremont is ranked first in the mens and 3rd for the women. My 4 years there all we did was win, they are on to something like 17 straight conference titles. This is division three, it is the only division that cannot give out athletic scholarships. Which means the program/sytem philosophy is extremely important. In division 1 or 2 if you need a thrower you just recruit one.
When I went to Live Oak we would win 2 or 3 meets a year just like the team this year and years past. We would pin point some meets we thought we could win and then throw everything we could at the team. I remember having to run the 300 hurdles at some meets just to try and score some more points. We spent a good amount of time talking about winning and losing meets.
Then I went to Claremont, we never talked about winning or losing; only PRs. It didn't matter if you got first or last it was did you improve? Well in my 4 years we won 4 conference titles.
Then I came back to Live Oak. We had Medal Monday and that was it, people who won medals would get recognized. Distance runners would triple jump in dual meets for points. it was the same old story. Nobody knew anyones PR and we are still winning a couple meets a year. I tried to make PRs a big deal but scoring points and getting medals was reinforced. I only worked with the sprinters and jumpers and those were the ones who learned to appreciate PRs, and if you notice they are the alums that visit after they have graduated, they are the ones who do track all four years and they are the ones that set an example for the rest of the team . If you notice the team is made up of many sprinters (25) and few distance (5) and throwers(4).
Now that I am in charge of the program, I can run the full team the way I like. It may take a while but my goal is for the distance crew and throwing crew to grow as well. I know this program will work, it will take sometime. We have a coaching staff who are former athletes and understand what our goals are and I am really happy with them, they have been awesome.
Anyways I just wanted to show you that this program does work, in fact it is the only type of program that I have experienced that has been successful. I still have a long ways to go to be the coach I want to be, (need to find the balance between being trusting and being taken advantage of, Fridays and spring break are a painful reminder) Just like the theme of the day I am trying to improve.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hey all -
Well we are over halfway to our goal of 200 PRs. HEre is the rest of our schedule:
April 23 - Santa Teresa
April 25 - Alisal Invite
April 30 - Piedmont Hills
(After that the team will be reduced to our top 3 athletes in each event)
May 5 - STAL Prelims (Top 8 advance)
May 7 - STAL Finals (Top 5 Advance)
May 14 - BVAL Finals (Top 8 Advance)
May 23 - CCS Semifinals (Top 8/9 Advance)
May 29 - CCS Finals (Top 3 Advance)
June 5/6 - State Meet
I think it is going to be tough to reach when we set that goal our team had 45 athletes we are now at ~30. I am not going ot change it though we just need to step it up. We racked up 11 more vs Westmont (at least, since I didn't get all the results) It looks like that will be all I get from Westmont. As for the Quicksilver invite we only had 5 PRs but I was really happy with the results.
Stephanie didn't PR in her races but set season bests by good margins, which is a good sign that she is on the right track, hopefully we don't take a step back when she is in Hawaii the next week.
Erika ran her fastest 200 ever with a 27.19 (her old PR was a 27.24, which was freshman year), she also ran a season best in the 100
Pauline broke 60 seconds for the first time since CCS last year, with a 59.81. (Told you guys we have been working on her form this week and you should expect something big from Pauline this weekend) TO top that off she also ran a PR in the 200 with a 27.15 in a great battle with Erika.
Kenny ran a PR in the 400 despite tying up in the last 100, once we can get his legs fresh and his from solid he is due for a big drop in time.
Mason pulled the big throw in warm ups move, but despite that busted out 2 PRs in both throws. He just keeps improving every week, so the longer we can keep his season going the better. Awesome job.
Those were the only 5 people who competed, I think it says something that the people still coming out and working are the ones who are still having great performances. Happy Easter.
Hope to see you all Monday- Coach Mike
Well we are over halfway to our goal of 200 PRs. HEre is the rest of our schedule:
April 23 - Santa Teresa
April 25 - Alisal Invite
April 30 - Piedmont Hills
(After that the team will be reduced to our top 3 athletes in each event)
May 5 - STAL Prelims (Top 8 advance)
May 7 - STAL Finals (Top 5 Advance)
May 14 - BVAL Finals (Top 8 Advance)
May 23 - CCS Semifinals (Top 8/9 Advance)
May 29 - CCS Finals (Top 3 Advance)
June 5/6 - State Meet
I think it is going to be tough to reach when we set that goal our team had 45 athletes we are now at ~30. I am not going ot change it though we just need to step it up. We racked up 11 more vs Westmont (at least, since I didn't get all the results) It looks like that will be all I get from Westmont. As for the Quicksilver invite we only had 5 PRs but I was really happy with the results.
Stephanie didn't PR in her races but set season bests by good margins, which is a good sign that she is on the right track, hopefully we don't take a step back when she is in Hawaii the next week.
Erika ran her fastest 200 ever with a 27.19 (her old PR was a 27.24, which was freshman year), she also ran a season best in the 100
Pauline broke 60 seconds for the first time since CCS last year, with a 59.81. (Told you guys we have been working on her form this week and you should expect something big from Pauline this weekend) TO top that off she also ran a PR in the 200 with a 27.15 in a great battle with Erika.
Kenny ran a PR in the 400 despite tying up in the last 100, once we can get his legs fresh and his from solid he is due for a big drop in time.
Mason pulled the big throw in warm ups move, but despite that busted out 2 PRs in both throws. He just keeps improving every week, so the longer we can keep his season going the better. Awesome job.
Those were the only 5 people who competed, I think it says something that the people still coming out and working are the ones who are still having great performances. Happy Easter.
Hope to see you all Monday- Coach Mike
Friday, April 10, 2009
Meet at Westmont
Hey All -
Not sure if the phone, internet black out of Morgan Hill had an effect, the start of spring break or the weather. Just a pretty uninspired performance at Westmont. There has just been a lack of focus going around. This concerns me because we now have a week off of school. The fact that spring break is so close to the end of the year makes it even that much more detrimental if we take it off. Basically every year spring break is the time of year that the team separates itself into two groups. The people who show up and get more individual coaching and the people who took the time off and spent the rest of the year trying to get to pre spring break shape.
I posted the results that they gave me, unfortunantly they only gave results for the top 3 (on top of that not sure how accurate they are, it was FAT but there were definitely some errors.) Sorry about that guys, the only time I can control the results is at home meets, Del Mar and Andrew Hill did a good job, Westmont not as much.
This week we are sending a few people to quicksilver tomorrow and then I am going to scratch our meet duing the second Saturday of spring break (Kearney invite, april 18). In it's place we will most likely add the Alisal invite, which will be our last invite of the year (April 25).
Not sure if the phone, internet black out of Morgan Hill had an effect, the start of spring break or the weather. Just a pretty uninspired performance at Westmont. There has just been a lack of focus going around. This concerns me because we now have a week off of school. The fact that spring break is so close to the end of the year makes it even that much more detrimental if we take it off. Basically every year spring break is the time of year that the team separates itself into two groups. The people who show up and get more individual coaching and the people who took the time off and spent the rest of the year trying to get to pre spring break shape.
I posted the results that they gave me, unfortunantly they only gave results for the top 3 (on top of that not sure how accurate they are, it was FAT but there were definitely some errors.) Sorry about that guys, the only time I can control the results is at home meets, Del Mar and Andrew Hill did a good job, Westmont not as much.
This week we are sending a few people to quicksilver tomorrow and then I am going to scratch our meet duing the second Saturday of spring break (Kearney invite, april 18). In it's place we will most likely add the Alisal invite, which will be our last invite of the year (April 25).
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday @ Practice
I think we got a good amount accomplished:
Pauline stayed after to work on finding her 400 form, (in the rain) really focused on getting those hips forward. I think we may be in for a nice run this weekend.
Courtney and Lauren both made improvements in their starts. While Erika and Catherine worked together on their starts.
The distance runners probably did less running that the sprinters for the first time ever (8 * 60 meter sprints) except for the 40 minutes of running they did outside the workout, so nevermind.
Mason may be challenging Mark and Daw for ability to throw a med ball as high as possible.
I should quit throwing the jav while my shoulder is still in one piece.
After April 30 the team will get smaller each week. Which means everyone is guarenteed only 21 more days of track. 10 of those days are spring break. If you are going on vacation it is important you still find time to work out. If you are in town it is important that you come to practice. Taking a week off right now will ruin your season. We can't revert to march right now we need to keep moving forward. Other teams are dealing with the exact same thing, see this as an opportunity to gain on others. - Coach Mike
Pauline stayed after to work on finding her 400 form, (in the rain) really focused on getting those hips forward. I think we may be in for a nice run this weekend.
Courtney and Lauren both made improvements in their starts. While Erika and Catherine worked together on their starts.
The distance runners probably did less running that the sprinters for the first time ever (8 * 60 meter sprints) except for the 40 minutes of running they did outside the workout, so nevermind.
Mason may be challenging Mark and Daw for ability to throw a med ball as high as possible.
I should quit throwing the jav while my shoulder is still in one piece.
After April 30 the team will get smaller each week. Which means everyone is guarenteed only 21 more days of track. 10 of those days are spring break. If you are going on vacation it is important you still find time to work out. If you are in town it is important that you come to practice. Taking a week off right now will ruin your season. We can't revert to march right now we need to keep moving forward. Other teams are dealing with the exact same thing, see this as an opportunity to gain on others. - Coach Mike
CCS Top Marks List
Well the new top marks list is out. Here are our people/teams that are on the list.
17. Boys 4 by 100 44.54
t-19 Girls 4 by 100 51.98 (I will say this 8th place is a 51.36, so this is a tightly packed bunch)
14. Pauline Olsen - 400 - 60.06
t-7. Stephanie Armstrong - HJ - 5' 2"
Close calls -
Girls 4 by 400 - cut off is 4:20.9 they ran a 4:21.58
Lauren in the LJ- Cut off is 16'2 inches she has jumped 15' 10.5"
Greg in the LJ - Cut off is 20' 5.5 " he jumped 20'4"
Here is the link
17. Boys 4 by 100 44.54
t-19 Girls 4 by 100 51.98 (I will say this 8th place is a 51.36, so this is a tightly packed bunch)
14. Pauline Olsen - 400 - 60.06
t-7. Stephanie Armstrong - HJ - 5' 2"
Close calls -
Girls 4 by 400 - cut off is 4:20.9 they ran a 4:21.58
Lauren in the LJ- Cut off is 16'2 inches she has jumped 15' 10.5"
Greg in the LJ - Cut off is 20' 5.5 " he jumped 20'4"
Here is the link
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Meet this week
Hey all -
I know I mentioned that we were trying to move the meet to Wednesday. Unfortunantly, we were not able to get a bus for Wednesday. So the meet will be on Thursday as planned. They have a good team and it would have been nice to go against them at full strength. Hopefully, they won't save their best runners for arcadia. I guess we will see.
This weekend our invite will be at Leland high school. We have a pretty small contingent going.
I know I mentioned that we were trying to move the meet to Wednesday. Unfortunantly, we were not able to get a bus for Wednesday. So the meet will be on Thursday as planned. They have a good team and it would have been nice to go against them at full strength. Hopefully, they won't save their best runners for arcadia. I guess we will see.
This weekend our invite will be at Leland high school. We have a pretty small contingent going.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Couple More Changes
Found these changes to the records
Boys 4*100 - 42.85 not 43.9
Boys 200 - 22.15 not 22.60
I think this summer I am going to try and create a top 5 list for each event, as best as I can.
Boys 4*100 - 42.85 not 43.9
Boys 200 - 22.15 not 22.60
I think this summer I am going to try and create a top 5 list for each event, as best as I can.
School records
Hey all -
Well I have some good or bad news depending on how you see it. When I first started here in 2004. I asked if I could get a copy of the school records so I could post them online. What I got was full froph soph and varsity school records for the boys but the girls were missing:
The time for Gustafson in the 3200
The name of the Long Jump school Record Holder
Both Relays 4*100 and 4*400
The frosh soph girls records seemed a little fishy because they were mainly set in the last 8 years (between 96-2003)
I asked Raymond what I should do so I left the time blank in the 3200 (not sure how anyone could beat it) , just wrote vivian in the LJ, and decided when the girls relay team made it to ccs I would use that time as the school record. In the 4*100 they made it 3 years ago with a 51.87, which was recently beat last year with a 51.42.
In the 4*400 they made it 4 years ago with a 4:19 which was beat 2 years ago with a 4:07.37
Anyways I have gone through all the results in the 70s and 80s. I have confirmed some records and some records have been broken so to speak.
Gustafson ran an 11:42 in the 3200 which I will update as the school record
Vivi Hudson made it to the state finals in the long jump in 1977, this must be the "Vivian" that is written there
The 1979 4*100 team ran a 50.7 (I need to check if this was meters or yards but they did have an 11.8 100 meter runner on the team) so that record will probably change
The 1981 4*400 team ran a 4:07.7 which shows that the team 2 years ago legitimately set the record.
I have confirmed most of our other school records. I think the list is pretty comprehensive now. I will not take any one down but I have added the other records.
Well I have some good or bad news depending on how you see it. When I first started here in 2004. I asked if I could get a copy of the school records so I could post them online. What I got was full froph soph and varsity school records for the boys but the girls were missing:
The time for Gustafson in the 3200
The name of the Long Jump school Record Holder
Both Relays 4*100 and 4*400
The frosh soph girls records seemed a little fishy because they were mainly set in the last 8 years (between 96-2003)
I asked Raymond what I should do so I left the time blank in the 3200 (not sure how anyone could beat it) , just wrote vivian in the LJ, and decided when the girls relay team made it to ccs I would use that time as the school record. In the 4*100 they made it 3 years ago with a 51.87, which was recently beat last year with a 51.42.
In the 4*400 they made it 4 years ago with a 4:19 which was beat 2 years ago with a 4:07.37
Anyways I have gone through all the results in the 70s and 80s. I have confirmed some records and some records have been broken so to speak.
Gustafson ran an 11:42 in the 3200 which I will update as the school record
Vivi Hudson made it to the state finals in the long jump in 1977, this must be the "Vivian" that is written there
The 1979 4*100 team ran a 50.7 (I need to check if this was meters or yards but they did have an 11.8 100 meter runner on the team) so that record will probably change
The 1981 4*400 team ran a 4:07.7 which shows that the team 2 years ago legitimately set the record.
I have confirmed most of our other school records. I think the list is pretty comprehensive now. I will not take any one down but I have added the other records.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Coach's Decathlon (- Pole vault)
Well me and mark decided to have a coaches decathlon this week, it will be 3 days long and we will do 3 events per day.
Today was day 1: Which was our Throwing day. Mark beat me in all three throws so he has a 70 point lead. Here are the results:
Shot Put: 37'4" (569 pts)
Discus Throw: 103'6.5" (495 pts)
Javelin Throw: 105'3" (329 pts)
Total: 1393
Shot Put: 35'4.5" (533 pts)
Discus Throw: 100'2.5" (475 pts)
Javelin Throw: 102' 0" (315 pts)
Total: 1323
Monday we will do the long jump, 100m, and 400m (which are both of our 3 strongest events)
Tuesday we will do the 110H, High Jump and 1500m (which are definitely not our 3 strongest events)
My goal is to get 4500 points.
Think of this one as our starting point... we will practice these events the next 6 weeks and then have another decathlon. Despite this I know Mark wants to beat me as much as I want to beat him haha.
Today was day 1: Which was our Throwing day. Mark beat me in all three throws so he has a 70 point lead. Here are the results:
Shot Put: 37'4" (569 pts)
Discus Throw: 103'6.5" (495 pts)
Javelin Throw: 105'3" (329 pts)
Total: 1393
Shot Put: 35'4.5" (533 pts)
Discus Throw: 100'2.5" (475 pts)
Javelin Throw: 102' 0" (315 pts)
Total: 1323
Monday we will do the long jump, 100m, and 400m (which are both of our 3 strongest events)
Tuesday we will do the 110H, High Jump and 1500m (which are definitely not our 3 strongest events)
My goal is to get 4500 points.
Think of this one as our starting point... we will practice these events the next 6 weeks and then have another decathlon. Despite this I know Mark wants to beat me as much as I want to beat him haha.
Results from Saint Francis
Here is the video of the girls 4 by 100
Here is the video of the girls 4 by 100
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saint Francis Invite
Well, Like I predicted the event to watch was the sprint medley. Courtney, Lauren, Erika and Pauline broke our SMR school record by 3 seconds and got second place behind Saint Francis. Video is currently loading... I will also post some video of the girls 4 by100 and the Mason in the discus.
St Francis - Observations:
Courtney is really running up on Catherine...need to change that handoff
Viziry ran so fast he ended up running by himself and ran great... won his heat but more importantly got a 1 second PR.
Pauline took the first 200 lightning fast... just need a little more speed endurance
The whole minimum distance measurement is cheap, probably won't be going back to Saint Francis unless athletes PR is beyond the minimum. The judge scratched Kennys legal PR because it wasn't 18 feet. Fortunantly he said 17'4 first so we knew what it was.
Billy ran well in lane seven until the time he needed to handoff to james
Stephanie matched her PR from CCS last year with a 5'2, just a great jump.
Lammers was the ironman of the day... he got there when I got to the meet at 7:15 and he left when I left the meet at 6:15... 11 hours on the track
Adam barely PRed (since I am a nice guy)
Olivia ran her best of the season, 11:29 in the 3000
Check the home page for results when lynbrook puts them up and I will post those videos I have a little bit later.
St Francis - Observations:
Courtney is really running up on Catherine...need to change that handoff
Viziry ran so fast he ended up running by himself and ran great... won his heat but more importantly got a 1 second PR.
Pauline took the first 200 lightning fast... just need a little more speed endurance
The whole minimum distance measurement is cheap, probably won't be going back to Saint Francis unless athletes PR is beyond the minimum. The judge scratched Kennys legal PR because it wasn't 18 feet. Fortunantly he said 17'4 first so we knew what it was.
Billy ran well in lane seven until the time he needed to handoff to james
Stephanie matched her PR from CCS last year with a 5'2, just a great jump.
Lammers was the ironman of the day... he got there when I got to the meet at 7:15 and he left when I left the meet at 6:15... 11 hours on the track
Adam barely PRed (since I am a nice guy)
Olivia ran her best of the season, 11:29 in the 3000
Check the home page for results when lynbrook puts them up and I will post those videos I have a little bit later.
Friday, April 3, 2009
What to watch for at Saint Francis
Tomorrow at Saint Francis they will have the sprint medley relay which is one of my favorite events. We only get to do it about once a year since it is not an official event. It is a 2 lap race that consists of a 100-100-200-400. The most exciting moment in track is the last lap of a close 4 by 4. Well the sprint medley guarentees that you get everytime. The goal of the first 3 runners is just to get the baton to your 400 runner. Then it is every teams fastest 400 runner battling within a range of about 5 seconds or so, in a 4 by 4 by the time the anchor gets it there could already be a 2o second lead.
The sprint Medley relay gave us Mark's great 4 last year aka "The cut off", Allen's finish "The dive", 2 years ago the frosh soph girls team broke the varsity record for the SMR. Last year that record was broken by a team with 3 frosh soph members.
I am excited about the team we have this year. I think this years team will be the fastest we have ever put out there. 4 School record holders: The frosh soph 100 record (Erika), 200 record (Courtney), 400 record (Pauline), LJ record (Lauren). Will team up to run it. Courtney to Lauren for the 100s and Erika in the 200 and Pauline finishing with the 400. As of now the girls 4*100 and Pauline are the only people on the CCS top marks list and we kind of get to combine them into 1 event. Should be fun.
Other things to watch for tomorrow:
Boys 4*100 - Get to build on their fast performance against Del Mar this week
Girls 4*100 - Los Altos (defending CCS champs in the 4*100) are in lane 4, the girls are in lane 3. They should be able to be pulled to a good time.
Olivia - Guarenteed to get a season best since she is running the 3000, more importantly though running a good race with some good competition.
Adam - Hopefully will be recovered enough from 450 meters of bear crawls to take a shot at breaking 5 minutes in the 1600.
Mason - The PR machine gets 2 more cracks at his personal bests in the Shot and Disc. I stopped by the throwers practice yesterday and he is definitely still on the way up
Nikki - Will get to go against some other frosh soph athletes in the shot and discus
Greg - gets 4 shots at 21 feet in the LJ
Kenny - is going to break 17-7.5 that way the false mark on tuesday is irrelevant. (at the very least he will break his PR of 17-3.75)
Lauren - gets a couple cracks at 16 feet in the LJ
Pauline in the 400 another day of good competition but this time she is in lane one and gets to chase instead on lane 9 by herself.
Viz - tries to enter 55 second territory in the 400
Stephanie - other than the throwers she is the only one not doing 1 individual event saturday, she is doing 3. 100h 300h HJ.
Erika - might run the 100 depending on how the leg is feeling, and James might run the 100 depending on if he can stay until 1:40
See you guys there - Coach Mike
Tomorrow at Saint Francis they will have the sprint medley relay which is one of my favorite events. We only get to do it about once a year since it is not an official event. It is a 2 lap race that consists of a 100-100-200-400. The most exciting moment in track is the last lap of a close 4 by 4. Well the sprint medley guarentees that you get everytime. The goal of the first 3 runners is just to get the baton to your 400 runner. Then it is every teams fastest 400 runner battling within a range of about 5 seconds or so, in a 4 by 4 by the time the anchor gets it there could already be a 2o second lead.
The sprint Medley relay gave us Mark's great 4 last year aka "The cut off", Allen's finish "The dive", 2 years ago the frosh soph girls team broke the varsity record for the SMR. Last year that record was broken by a team with 3 frosh soph members.
I am excited about the team we have this year. I think this years team will be the fastest we have ever put out there. 4 School record holders: The frosh soph 100 record (Erika), 200 record (Courtney), 400 record (Pauline), LJ record (Lauren). Will team up to run it. Courtney to Lauren for the 100s and Erika in the 200 and Pauline finishing with the 400. As of now the girls 4*100 and Pauline are the only people on the CCS top marks list and we kind of get to combine them into 1 event. Should be fun.
Other things to watch for tomorrow:
Boys 4*100 - Get to build on their fast performance against Del Mar this week
Girls 4*100 - Los Altos (defending CCS champs in the 4*100) are in lane 4, the girls are in lane 3. They should be able to be pulled to a good time.
Olivia - Guarenteed to get a season best since she is running the 3000, more importantly though running a good race with some good competition.
Adam - Hopefully will be recovered enough from 450 meters of bear crawls to take a shot at breaking 5 minutes in the 1600.
Mason - The PR machine gets 2 more cracks at his personal bests in the Shot and Disc. I stopped by the throwers practice yesterday and he is definitely still on the way up
Nikki - Will get to go against some other frosh soph athletes in the shot and discus
Greg - gets 4 shots at 21 feet in the LJ
Kenny - is going to break 17-7.5 that way the false mark on tuesday is irrelevant. (at the very least he will break his PR of 17-3.75)
Lauren - gets a couple cracks at 16 feet in the LJ
Pauline in the 400 another day of good competition but this time she is in lane one and gets to chase instead on lane 9 by herself.
Viz - tries to enter 55 second territory in the 400
Stephanie - other than the throwers she is the only one not doing 1 individual event saturday, she is doing 3. 100h 300h HJ.
Erika - might run the 100 depending on how the leg is feeling, and James might run the 100 depending on if he can stay until 1:40
See you guys there - Coach Mike
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Ask the ATC: tight calf muscles
Here's some stuff you can do to unlock those tight calf muscles after a long day.
- get some resistance bands (if you need them - I have some left over from my muscle strain at home, so let me know) and you can work the opposite muscle of the calf which will help relax it and take some pressure off it.. work the resistance bands to the left, right, up and down. these exercises can also be done without resistance, they also help check the range of motion of your ankle... you can also use the balance board the rotate around
- calf stretches!! line up your toes against the fence at an angle and to get the more intense stretch, do a squat and lower your hips.
- pump the calf - this one is probably the most doable and most helpful, sit down on a bench or something and have something put some pressure on your calf.. then pump your calf in and out for like 20 seconds.. repeat.. you can also do this yourself but people tend to cheat and not adjust resistance.. you can also roll it out with a foam roll or stick it and pump it also.. this is a much higher level if you can handle it..
*also, a word of the wise with the foam rolls and stick its, they're a pre-practice or post-practice element since they basically roll out a muscle and the knots. they're not really a middle of the practice thing or game day rescue because what you're basically doing is forcing your muscle to loosen up. if you roll out in the middle of practice, you're teaching your muscles to fire hard when loose. so i'd recommend rolling out as a rehab thing before practice and after practice.
- get some resistance bands (if you need them - I have some left over from my muscle strain at home, so let me know) and you can work the opposite muscle of the calf which will help relax it and take some pressure off it.. work the resistance bands to the left, right, up and down. these exercises can also be done without resistance, they also help check the range of motion of your ankle... you can also use the balance board the rotate around
- calf stretches!! line up your toes against the fence at an angle and to get the more intense stretch, do a squat and lower your hips.
- pump the calf - this one is probably the most doable and most helpful, sit down on a bench or something and have something put some pressure on your calf.. then pump your calf in and out for like 20 seconds.. repeat.. you can also do this yourself but people tend to cheat and not adjust resistance.. you can also roll it out with a foam roll or stick it and pump it also.. this is a much higher level if you can handle it..
*also, a word of the wise with the foam rolls and stick its, they're a pre-practice or post-practice element since they basically roll out a muscle and the knots. they're not really a middle of the practice thing or game day rescue because what you're basically doing is forcing your muscle to loosen up. if you roll out in the middle of practice, you're teaching your muscles to fire hard when loose. so i'd recommend rolling out as a rehab thing before practice and after practice.
CCS Top Marks
Well the girls 4*100 joined Pauline as our 2 representatives in the CCS Top Marks list. Pauline will get to run in lane 1 against many of the girls ahead of her in the 400 this weekend. The girls 4*100 will get to run in lane 3 chasing Los Altos (51.40 @ Stanford) in lane 4. So both have a great opportunity to move up.
The boys are not on the list becasue the time they ran on Tuesday which would be 12th will count for this week not last week. Greg should be on the list next week too with his 20'4" (16th)
Our closest call is Lauren who is 3.5" from making the list in the Long Jump. (15'10.5"/16'2")
The boys are not on the list becasue the time they ran on Tuesday which would be 12th will count for this week not last week. Greg should be on the list next week too with his 20'4" (16th)
Our closest call is Lauren who is 3.5" from making the list in the Long Jump. (15'10.5"/16'2")
April 1st: Motivation of the moment
Seeing sports teams all the time and being part of sports teams at Live Oak means that there's a lot of quotes and cool chants, cheers, and stuff that I've seen over the years.. so I thought I'd share a couple with you today..
Always expect more from yourself..
Always strive to become better. Don't plateau out. PBR's are the best for this, because there is no limit on what you can do. Push yourself.
I believe, you believe, we all believe in you.
This comes from softball and I definitely think that it true. I have faith in what you guys can do, and I hope you have faith in yourself. That was the biggest thing for me when I was an athlete for Coach Mike when I had no faith in myself. Things definitely change when you change your attitude and you have some confidence.
which brings me to the last one.
If you believe, you can achieve.
Always expect more from yourself..
Always strive to become better. Don't plateau out. PBR's are the best for this, because there is no limit on what you can do. Push yourself.
I believe, you believe, we all believe in you.
This comes from softball and I definitely think that it true. I have faith in what you guys can do, and I hope you have faith in yourself. That was the biggest thing for me when I was an athlete for Coach Mike when I had no faith in myself. Things definitely change when you change your attitude and you have some confidence.
which brings me to the last one.
If you believe, you can achieve.
St Francis Invite Entries
Hey here are the preliminary entries for the St Francis Invite:
They will re seed based on who shows up, as you can see there are large alternate lists. I will give more information at practice tomorrow.
Oh and Kenny was honest about his mark yesterday, I guess they wrote down the wrong distance so that is one less PR. People worried about winning and losing take bogus times, people who are worried about improving and getting PRs make that correction. Very good to see. He is gonna pop one off at St Francis though so we will get taht PR back. - Coach Mike
They will re seed based on who shows up, as you can see there are large alternate lists. I will give more information at practice tomorrow.
Oh and Kenny was honest about his mark yesterday, I guess they wrote down the wrong distance so that is one less PR. People worried about winning and losing take bogus times, people who are worried about improving and getting PRs make that correction. Very good to see. He is gonna pop one off at St Francis though so we will get taht PR back. - Coach Mike
PRs vs Del Mar
Hey all just thought I would post our PRs from the Del Mar meet yesterday.
Just a reminder I count PRs at Live Oak but because of the wind and because it is hand timed I don't use those as your offical times. (Which is why having F.A.T. meets are great)
PRs (24 total)
Lauren Drewniany – 100 -14.06
David Pelz- 200 - 27.73
Matt Thomson - 200 - 30.04
Keane Vaziry – 400 - 56.42
Alex Ukanwa – 800 - 2:36.05
Alex Ukanwa – 1600 - 5:38.56
Matt Dariano – 110h - 19.49
Matt Dariano – 300h - 48.39
B4*100 A – 44.54
B 4*100B – 46.69
G 4*4 – 4:21
B4*4 – 3:51
Keane Vaziry – 400R - 56.50
Catherine Sparling – 400R -68.64
Jeff Roberts – LJ -19-1.5
Taylor Alonzo – LJ -18-3.5
Kenny Lee – LJ -17-7.5
Greg White – LJ -20-4
Jacob Daw – HJ - 5-6
Mason Lammers –SP -35-9
Alberto Suarez – SP - 30-9
Nikki Dronek – SP - 25-1
Mason Lammers – DT - 112-2
Nikki Dronek – DT - 80-6.5
Just a reminder I count PRs at Live Oak but because of the wind and because it is hand timed I don't use those as your offical times. (Which is why having F.A.T. meets are great)
PRs (24 total)
Lauren Drewniany – 100 -14.06
David Pelz- 200 - 27.73
Matt Thomson - 200 - 30.04
Keane Vaziry – 400 - 56.42
Alex Ukanwa – 800 - 2:36.05
Alex Ukanwa – 1600 - 5:38.56
Matt Dariano – 110h - 19.49
Matt Dariano – 300h - 48.39
B4*100 A – 44.54
B 4*100B – 46.69
G 4*4 – 4:21
B4*4 – 3:51
Keane Vaziry – 400R - 56.50
Catherine Sparling – 400R -68.64
Jeff Roberts – LJ -19-1.5
Taylor Alonzo – LJ -18-3.5
Kenny Lee – LJ -17-7.5
Greg White – LJ -20-4
Jacob Daw – HJ - 5-6
Mason Lammers –SP -35-9
Alberto Suarez – SP - 30-9
Nikki Dronek – SP - 25-1
Mason Lammers – DT - 112-2
Nikki Dronek – DT - 80-6.5
4 * 100
Here are the promised 4*100 videos:
Boys ran a season best 44.54 (12 th in the CCS) and the B team did a good job with a 46.69
The girls had their second best time of the year: 52.40
Boys ran a season best 44.54 (12 th in the CCS) and the B team did a good job with a 46.69
The girls had their second best time of the year: 52.40
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