Wednesday, April 1, 2009

CCS Top Marks

Well the girls 4*100 joined Pauline as our 2 representatives in the CCS Top Marks list. Pauline will get to run in lane 1 against many of the girls ahead of her in the 400 this weekend. The girls 4*100 will get to run in lane 3 chasing Los Altos (51.40 @ Stanford) in lane 4. So both have a great opportunity to move up.

The boys are not on the list becasue the time they ran on Tuesday which would be 12th will count for this week not last week. Greg should be on the list next week too with his 20'4" (16th)

Our closest call is Lauren who is 3.5" from making the list in the Long Jump. (15'10.5"/16'2")


  1. Congrats on making the top marks list. I hope that this competition can pull you to even faster, higher, stronger pr's!
