Thursday, May 14, 2009

BVAL tonight

Last week I was really excited for the meet. We had a chance to show off our team. This week I would say I am more nervous. This is a good thing though, in previous years most of our athletes were on the outside trying to get in, so it was exciting. We were trying to knock teams out. This year 15 of our 17 athletes are in the top 8 position so I am just hoping we won't get knocked out. The scary part is we were pretty good at knocking teams out. Was that more because of our mindset or the top 8 athletes mindset?

So maybe the fact that so many athletes this year are in top 8 position is part of the reason for the lack of focus this week, usually they are hungry going in to this meet. Or maybe the fact that I am nervous instead of excited is just altering my perception. Once the meet starts I know I will be excited again. It has just been the build up that hasn't been fun. At 9:30 tonight I will be excited for CCS.

Maybe someday I can be nervous for the CCS meet.

1 comment:

  1. great luck today!! no awesome luck!! will wait on the discussion of hormones until after the competitions. =D
